Kent Deaf Children’s Society has been successfully supporting deaf children and their families, throughout Kent and the bordering counties for over 20 years.
An idea born about a kitchen table, KDCS was founded by a small group of parents who were frustrated by the distinct lack of social activities, support for families and community for their deaf children in the area. Following through the initial stages of a fledgling group, the founding parents developed a Constitution and became Trustees of the organisation (who also volunteered their time to plan and host activities).
They began fundraising and soon, KDCS began attracting new families from across the county as word spread of the events that were taking place. Eventually the group registered with the Charities Commission, Grants were applied for, continuous fundraising was put in to place and the group affiliated to NDCS.
The story continues to inspire and impress as although the faces have changed, the concepts, constant fundraising, ideas and volunteer ethos remain intact to date! We work with a host of agencies to deliver our message and provide as close to a joined up service for our member families as can.

Currently offering an extensive program including short courses in British Sign Language, dedicated youth groups, seasonal activities, family events, signposting, a forum in which to access our community and much more, KDCS welcomes new members.
Membership is open to deaf children and their immediate family (parents and siblings). Following the completion of our Forms, membership covers this family unit is renewed annually. Please click here to access our Online Membership Form.
Please contact office@kdcs.org for further details. At times, KDCS Member Families are invited to ask their extended/wider family to specific events. Fees are charged per event.
KDCS Member Families = the immediate family of a deaf child A self funded, not for profit, parent driven, volunteer managed, registered charity.

If you experience any problems then please contact us here.
E: office@kdcs.org | T: 07557 334 347
The Maidstone Studios, New Cut Road, Vinters Park, ME14 5NZ
Registered Charity No. 1015013 | © 2020 KDCS | Cookies Policy | Privacy Policy | Website designed by Pink Lemon Branding & Design Ltd