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New Membership Form

I/we agree to the information on this form being kept on a secure database for the use of the society, in its operations, and I understand that KDCS will not pass my details on to any third parties.
I/We give permission for photographs/videos to be taken of my child(ren) at KDCS events for the charity's fundraising and promotional purposes.
KDCS has a private online facebook group called ‘KDCS Private Members Group'. So that we can add you to the group please can you provide your facebook profile name/s above if different from the name provided. The link to the group will be available following form submission.  We also welcome our deaf members over the age of 13 to also join our private facebook group if they would like token up to date with our news.

If you experience any problems then please contact us here.


E: office@kdcs.org | T: 07557 334 347 
The Maidstone Studios, New Cut Road, Vinters Park, ME14 5NZ

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